
The BDBA produces a number of publications for members including Newsletters, Forms, Policies, Constitutions & By-Laws, Coaching Material, Annual Reports,  Important Notices, Strategic Initiatives.

All of these publications, plus links to other documents and forms from organisations such as Bowls Queensland, may be read online or downloaded for printing.  The aim is to make the site a One-Stop-Site for our members.

The aim is to use Google Drive (Admin@BrisDistBA.Org.Au) to save the latest versions of BDBA documents like Forms, Policies, Work Instructions, Conditions of Play, in a centrally controlled location.  Links to the public access documents will be provided in this website.  See the work instruction (How to use Google Drive as the repository for BDBA documents) for more details.  The Google Drive will hold both master and working (public access) versions of BDBA documents.  Some navigation features do not work with documents linked to the Google Drive.


Step 1:     Select the Document or Form

Step 2:     If appropriate Print or Save to your computer

Step 3:     For Forms, provide the requested details and send / email the completed Form to the relevant recipient

AGM and General Meetings


Forms (See the web page for each championship for the latest Form)

